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Hon Engr Emmanuel Obinna Nwafor, Hon Okwudili Ezenwakwo with other APGA faithful, commensurate with Chief E. O Nnaemezie.

Hon Engr Emmanuel Obinna Nwafor, Hon Okwudili Ezenwakwo with other APGA faithful, commensurate with Chief E. O Nnaemezie.

Hon. Engr. Emmanuel Obinna Nwafor Arrived Umuaram Village,  Ezira with his able DG; Ezira PG and other party faithfuls. Received Rt. Hon. Okwudili Ezenwankwo; Hon. Emeka Aforka; Ikweto and host of other Government functionaries to Commiserates with  Chief E. O Nnaemezie (Igwe Apga na Orumba South) whose Younger Sister was committed to mother Earth

Ezira Town in Orumba South Local Government Area of Anambra State literally come alive today, as *Hon. Engr. Emmanuel Obinna Nwafor,* Member representing Orumba South Constituency, alongside his DG Hon. Jude Umunnakwe; Ezira PG; Hon. Tom Nwafor, Ezebinugwu  and other APGA party faithfuls
Received *Rt. Hon. Okwudili Ezenwankwo* Hon. Member representing Orumba North and South Federal Constituency; *Hon. Emeka Aforka,* Member Representing Orumba North State Constituency; *Ikweto* Orumba North LGA Chiarman and host of other *Government functionaries* to commiserate with the family of *E.O. Nnaemezie (Igwe APGA na Orumba South)* over sister demise.

Arriving with entorage, the Hon. Members led by Hon. Engr. Emmanuel Obinna Nwafor made way to the table where Igwe Apga and family were seated.

In an emotional laddened voice, Hon. Engr. Emmanuel Obinna Nwafor revealed that they had to cancel all other activities they had to commiserate with Igwe APGA and his family over the irreplaceable loss of Mrs Caroline.

Rt Hon. Engr. Emmanuel Obinna Nwafor went further to emphasize that the loss was actually a huge one that affect not just the family but the entire Village. The vacuum created with the demise of Caroline can't be filled, but the family should find solace in the fact that it is God that giveth and it is him that taketh.

He however prayed that God grant her soul eternal rest.

Responding, the eldest of Nnaemezie family on behalf of entire family welcomed the Hon. Members and was at peace that  Hon. Engr Emmanuel Obinna Nwafor acknowledge the fact that the loss is actually a loss for all.

He noted that he lack words to express his gratitude for the love and sacrifice shown by Hon. Okwudili Ezenwankwo,  Hon. Engr Emmanuel Obinna Nwafor, Hon. Emeka Aforka and host of Others.

Okoli Okechukwu Loveday

_Report from Ezira_

_Udo Na Oganiru Orumba South


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