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HON ENGR EMMANUEL OBINNA NWAFOR NTU JAPAN JOINED FRANCIS NWOSU ON HIS BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION. Orumba South House of Assembly member, Hon Engr Emmanuel O Nwafor NTU JAPAN,  has on Saturday, 7th day of March 2020 , joined Comr Francis Nwosu on his birthday celebration . Describing Francis as a Youth motivator, trail Blazer and  core loyalist whose lifestyle of humility and unwavering loyalty with commitment to his vision remains a reference point. Conclusively, while wishing him long life, good health and prosperity, Hon Engr Emmanuel O Nwafor enjoined him not to relent in his  commitment to his vision which is geared towards delivering democratic dividends to the good people of Orumba South.
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An unidentified student of Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra State, is on the run for trying to kill her baby she delivered last night.

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And it's the arrival of a king in the family of Nwosu. Please let's celebrate him: He is a youth motivator, He is a grassroot mobilizer,  Comr Francis Nwaosu is his name._  Happy birthday to you you comr and many more returns to you.

South Korean allegedly murders Nigerian co-worker in Lagos September 23, 2019

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